Warhammer Crime

Warhammer Crime is a standalone range of novels, all set in the same (huge) city on just one of the Imperium’s millions of worlds. It’s a chance to look at life and death away from the battlefield, far from the light of the Golden Throne, where life is cheap but mistakes are expensive…

Agusto Zidarov stories

Published 2020
Ebook and audio

An investigation into a missing member of a wealthy family leads Probator Zidarov into a web of lies and danger amidst the criminal cartels of Varangantua. Bloodlines was the very first Warhammer Crime title, and delves into the murky business of rejuvenat treatments.

The Vorbis Conspiracy
Published 2022
Ebook and audio

Return to the mean streets of Varangantua for another taste of just how grim life can be for the average Imperial citizen in the 41st Millennium. An anthology of short stories, with one featuring Zidarov from Bloodlines.